
Friday, March 12, 2010

The red eye of rhubarb

I walked by my rhubarb patch and it looked like aliens were peeping  through the ground. They were either watching me or checking the weather to see if it was safe to come out for St Patrick's Day. Rhubarb is one of my favorite fruits and its emergence in Virginia in March is a sure sign of spring. (Is rhubarb a fruit or a vegetable? It looks a lot like celery or Swiss chard. But you don't eat it like either, the leaves look like greens but are poisonous and the stems need to be cooked with a lot of sugar to be palatable.)

Whatever rhubarb is it makes good fruit desserts. I like it as a sauce, prepared like apple sauce. But my favorite is rhubarb pie. I've tried it with blue berries and strawberries and the pies were good- but for my taste it is hard to improve upon straight rhubarb.
Spring is almost here!

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Curtis,
    You should see how happy it makes Mom to be able to make Justin his favorite pie for his birthday every year: strawberry rhubarb. I grew up loathing rhubarb pie, but have since seen the light. But I could tell Mom was delighted when she learned how much Justin loves it.
